Daily Scrum Facts in Agile Projects

The Daily Scrum or Stand-up meeting is an important activity in the Agile-Scrum methodology. Everyone talks about,

  • what was done yesterday
  • what is the plan for today
  • and any impediments

Here are some of the facts to carry out an effective Stand-up.

  • The Daily Scrum or Stand-up should start and end at the same time. It shouldn’t wait for someone to turn up.
  • Outside team members can attend but should not interfere.
  • Every team member should talk about – Things done yesterday, Planned for today and any impediments and nothing else.
  • It’s an Inspect and Adapt approach towards the work being done in Sprint.
  • It’s a Planning platform and not a status reporting meeting.
  • More details around the issues should be done later and not in the stand-up.
  • Same location, same time every day.
  • Time-boxed (15 minutes) and Scrum Master is responsible to ensure the timelines.
  • Least Manager’s involvement, self-organising team.